Into The Zone joined us from Simon Crisford in 2019 and ran a handful of times in the colours of Steve Hollings.
It soon became clear that Into The Zone was no longer in love with racing, and it was decided to move him on and find him a new career.
He was rehomed by Susan Brown, to a five star home with a very experienced handler.
Susan takes up the story here, with an update on 'Zoney' for 2022.
"He's doing so well!"
"He's had the winter off and has been back in work just walking for the last 6 weeks. It's time to up his work now and kick on and hopefully get out to some ridden dressage shows towards the end of the season and in hand shortly. He wintered out OK but lost lots of muscle mass due to not being worked. He lots all his gluteals they were virtually non-existent! However with 6 weeks of long reining x5 week out and about around fields and villages he's starring to build nicely. Everything has been built up from the ground and we had our first ridden hack in five months a couple of days ago and he feels amazing."
"Very straight and supple showing some nice cadence on the lunge in school. His 6 weeks groundwork has also consisted of Equi Ami, Balance Bands (bum bands) and lots of daily core exercises from the ground. I also do a little straightness training with him on the ground Manolo Mendez and as you see from the video he's an expert at trick training. He learns so quickly! He really is my heart horse and my very unique horse of a lifetime. I'm truly blessed and so thankful for him daily. He's such a cheeky character too he plays games with Sid my 24-year-old retired chaser. Sid is definitely alpha and will stand no nonsense from anyone!! Yet Zoney teases him on a daily basis and winds him up until he will play fight back."
We wish Susan and Zoney all the success in the world and the very best for the future, and we look forward to following him throughout his new career.