What got you into racing and working with horses?
Like all children I had respect for my parents and elders and I saw the joy that my dad used to get out of racing and Point-to-Pointing.
What is the best thing about your job?
Having a winner, you see how it brings owners, jockeys and staff together and all sharing in the mutual joy!
What is the best piece of advice you've received?
Don't worry about things you have no control over.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Being a Point-to-Point jockey riding around the Grand National course.
As a child, what did you wish to become when you grew up?
I wanted to be a jockey.
If you could travel, where would you go?
Japan for the food and the rugby world cup and Iceland to see a different way of life.
Who would you take with you if you were sent to live on a desert island for a month?
Max Gelber - he used to own The Mischief Man - he would do nothing so he wouldn't get let down. Many would nominate someone to cook and do all the outdoor stuff, and they'd expect them to be in the sea or building fires and so on. Max would just lie there so you wouldn't be disappointed you'd know what you're getting. Someone once said that Max never has and never will do anything he doesn't want to do. But now I'm married I should really say Steph.
Who would you make sure wasn't there when you arrived on your desert island?
I'd make sure that any of the Members of the British Parliament were not there.
What personality characteristic has gotten you in the most trouble?
Not taking enough care and being too reckless, meaning I have broken just about every bone in my body.
If you had to pick a new name for yourself, what name would you pick?
What's the most courageous thing you've ever done?
I picked up a horse that was pinning my sister to the ground when she broke her pelvis in a few places. It was actually my fault that she'd jumped the gate. The horse was stuck on its back and picked the horse up by its back legs.
When you're having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?
Pretty much any type of food. I like eating.
What is the funniest thing you have ever seen a stranger do?
A jump jockey on twitter riding his horse backwards, that was ridiculous.
Do you think cats ever have regrets?
Yes, they regret that they're not dogs!
What's the one food you could never bring yourself to eat?
An andouille. When we went to France with Perfect Pasture Cherry ordered this of the menu without knowing what it was and it stank. It's a sausage made of pig's intestines and stomach.
What fictional character do you wish you could meet?
Some people say Jesus is a fictional character so I'd say him.
What was the funniest way that you have been injured?
Went to some water slides and worked out if I arched my back I could go faster. I went that fast that I ran out of water and hit the end and dislocated my ankle.
If your life was a movie, what songs would be the soundtrack?
I like music and Steph and I share a Spotify account. Catchy, soft, middle, firmer and old. Night Air (Jamie Woon), Walking With Elephants (Ten Walls), Turn Blue (The Black Keys), Ghost (The Acid), Passing Trains (George Fitzgerald) - I could go on.
Who would play you in a movie of your life?
Will Kinsey just to get him back because when we did our trainers course you had to stand up and talk about someone who had influenced your life and he talked about me. I can get him back with this answer.
What song do you have to sing along with when you hear it?
She Is A Belter
What game are you really good at?
I was Ok at rugby and poker. I tried to play tennis for a while but I didn't have the self-control for that and I play golf and I don't have the self-control for that either.
Do you think of yourself as being naughty or nice?
I used to be naughty and now I'm nice.
If you could shop for free at one store, which one would you choose?
What's the worst thing you did as a kid?
I had to go pull my pony's mane and as I was so lazy I decided to cut it off with a knife and I slipped and cut the pony's neck. I had to put cream on his neck for three weeks. And I cried.
If you could marry a fictional character, who would it be and why?
Any character played by Nicole Kidman for obvious reasons. And she's got lots of money.
If you could read minds, whose would you want to read?
Whoever is on the end of the phone to Aidan O'Brien after winning all those group races, be nice to read his mind whoever that person is.